Brigg Town Council

Organisations in brigg

Brigg is a small town but the number and scope of its organisations, societies, and clubs testifies that it is a lively and friendly one!
All details below are provided by the organisations themselves, and we ask all organisations to let us have updates as they occur.

2222 Squadron Brigg A.T.C
Ancholme Rowing Club
Ancholme Users Group
Bottle Collectors Club
Brigg Amateur Operatic Society
Brigg & District Breast Cancer Support Group
Brigg Army Cadets
Brigg Business Partnership
Brigg & District Lions Club
Brigg & District Servicemens Club
Brigg Bowling Club
Brigg Britannia Football Club
Brigg Canoe Club
Brigg Gateway Club
Brigg and District Netball Club
Brigg Amateur Social Historians
Brigg Matters Newsletter Committee
Brigg Guides & Brownies & Rainbows
Brigg Hockey Club
Brigg and District Gardening Club
Brigg Live Arts
Brigg L.I.V.E.S. First Responders
Brigg Scouts & Cubs
Brigg Methodist Church
Brigg Tennis Club
Brigg Senior Citizens Committee/ Mobility Scheme
Brigg PROBUS Club
Brigg Racing Pigeon Club
Brigg Sequence Dance Club
Brigg Town Cricket Club
Brigg Town Football Club
Briggensians Football Club
Brigg & District Carers’ Support Centre
Brigg Womens Institute
British Red Cross (Brigg)
C.P.R.E. Council for the Protection of Rural England
Glanford Amateur Swimming Club
Glanford Boat Club
Glanford Flying Club (Pigeons)
Humberside Chinese Association

Mothers Union
National Service R.A.F Association
North Lincolnshire Music and Drama Festival Committee
North Lincs Veterans Group
Rotary club of Brigg
Royal British Legion - Brigg Branch
Scunthorpe and District Ramblers Association
Senior Citizen Pop-in Centre
Sir John Nelthorpe Foundation Govenors
St. John Ambulance – Brigg Division
St. John the Evangelist Church
St. Marys R.C. Church
The Wold Singers
Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire